1. e4 {Now White always wants to Play d4 and capture the center. the goal in the opening is to occupy the center and gain more space to develop your pieces.} 

Sicilian Defense Open Variation Introduction

1...c5{Sicilian Defense} 

2. d4 cxd4 3. Qxd4 

kind of favorable exchange for black because white exchange one of his center pawns to C pawn and also there is another principle in the opening, you don't wanna develop your queen too early, why? if you develop your queen too early opponent can develop their pieces with a tempo like here so Nc6 attacking the queen.} 

so in the opening what you need to do, there are three main Principles 

1. Capture The Center 

2. Develop Your Minor Pieces 

3. Protect your king as soon as possible

2.Nc3 - Closed Sicilian, so here instead of playing Nf3 followed by d4 and opening the center white planing to develop his kingside and planning to attack the kingside

 2. Nf3 

2... d6 {here white can play many moves, let's talk about it later.}

2... Nc6 {here black instead of d6 he plays Nc6} 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 {here black has a couple of options  

1. 4....g6 - Accelerated Dragon 

Accelerated Dragon, The Accelerated Dragon features an early ...g6 by Black. An important difference between this line and the Dragon is that Black avoids playing ...d7–d6 so that they can later play ...d7–d5 in one move. 

5. c4 {Maróczy Bind} 

Bg7 6. Be3 Nf6 7. Nc3

2. 4....e5 - Kalashnikov Variation 

in Kalashnikov Variation The main point behind Black’s idea is that he occupies the center without any delay, with tempo. The main drawback - the weakening of the d5-square. and later d6 pawn} 5. Nb5 d6)

3. 4....Nf6 - Sveshnikov Variation 

Sveshnikov Variation - this is very aggressive. Usually, in the Sicilian Defense, and especially in

the Sveshnikov, Black fights for the initiative right from the beginning of the game.} 5. Nc3 e5 6. Ndb5 d6 7. Bg5 a6 8. Na3 b5 9. Nd5 Be7 10. Bxf6 Bxf6

2... e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 { Here Black has three main moves} 

Nc6 {Taimanov Variation} 

(4... a6 {Kan 

(Paulsen) Variation} 5. Bd3 Qc7) 5. Nc3 Nf6 6. Ndb5) 

3. d4 {This is Open Sicilian, So This Position is recognized as open Sicilian, white plan to open

up the center.} cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 (4... a6 5. c4 {now white have more grip on

the center, this is called "Maróczy Bind" Let's Talk about is Later}) 5. Nc3 {

in any situation, in the opening best places for knights are f3, c3, f6, and c6.

why?? *because when knights are there they control the whole center squares.* 

now, from here we have a couple of variations which we need to know.} (5. f3) 5...

g6 {Dragon Variation, I don't know for sure why this is called dragon variation

but, I think there is something to do with the pawn structure of the black

which looks like the tail of the dragon.} (5... Nc6 {Classical Sicilian, The

Classical Variation is a chess variation of the Sicilian Defense. Black does

not play 5… a6 as in the Najdorf variation but rather develops a piece

instead and brings his knight out to its most effective square c6. As both

black knights are placed “classical” on f6 and on c6, it is called the

Classical-Variation.} 6. Bg5) (5... e6 {Sicilian Defence, Scheveningen

Variation, In chess, the Scheveningen Variation of the Sicilian Defence is an

opening that is a line of the Open Sicilian characterized by Black setting up

a "small center" with pawns on d6 and e6. here whites have a different approaches.}

6. Be3 (6. Be2) (6. g4 {Keres Attack!!})) (5... a6 {Najdrof Variation. The

Najdorf Variation of the Sicilian Defence is one of the most respected and

deeply studied of all chess openings. The opening is named after the

Polish-Argentine grandmaster Miguel Najdorf. This Variation is very

complicated and played by many top players in the world and its popularity is

not reduced by time.  here blocking the g4 move and planning to attack on

queenside with the help of c open file and b4, b5.}) 6. Be3 Bg7 7. f3 O-O 8.

Qd2 Nc6 9. O-O-O {and this is a very sharp line with opposite side castling of

the kings. so here both sides try to attack quickly as possible} Qa5 {This

Covers the Main Sicilian Variations in the Open Sicilian  Thank You Very Much 

Lalantha Mudalige Fide Arbiter} *

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