Due to the prevailing situation in the Country and Globally with COVID – 19 pandemic and its impact on people’s lives, Dharmasoka College Old Boys’ Chess Association decided to postpone the 10th Dhamso International Chess Festival 2020. In due time, We’ll inform you of the Dates for the event. But at first, as a Nation, Let’s win this battle against COVID – 19 which we can if we get united.
So be safe and strictly adhere to guidelines given by the relevant authorities.
Gens Una Sumus " We Are One Family "

Damso International Chess Festival - 2020

Organized by Dharmasoka College Old Boy's Chess Association

Damso International Chess Festival - 2020 organized by Dharmasoka College Old Boy's Chess Association with the compliment of the Chess Federation of Sri Lanka will be held on 17th to 21st of April 2020.

Venue – Sea Breeze Hotel - Ambalangoda

 It's the 10th year of the Dhamso journey. A FIDE rated event celebrating their decade of presence in Sri Lankan Chess arena. Come and feel the difference.

Damso International Chess Festival - 2020Damso International Chess Festival - 2020

Damso International Chess Festival - 2020Damso International Chess Festival - 2020

Damso International Chess Festival - 2020Damso International Chess Festival - 2020

Damso International Chess Festival - 2020Damso International Chess Festival - 2020

Damso International Chess Festival - 2020Damso International Chess Festival - 2020

Damso International Chess Festival - 2020Damso International Chess Festival - 2020

Damso International Chess Festival - 2020


  1. Will the 10 th Damso international chess festival be postponed?

  2. Due to the prevailing situation in the Country and Globally with COVID – 19 pandemic and its impact on people’s lives, Dharmasoka College Old Boys’ Chess Association decided to postpone the 10th Dhamso International Chess Festival 2020.


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